comments: a backpack begins

I foresee that April will be deemed "Finishing Month"! Can hardly wait to see the completed backpack for you...uh, I mean your mom!

posted by leslie on february 24, 2005

Ewww . . . lining? Yuck! Hey, I'll do seaming with good will, sew in a zipper with grumbling when absolutely necessary . . . but a lining? Can't see that happening in the next several decades! I mean, they're nice and practical and all that, but . . . icky sewing! (grin)

That said, the backpack does look great . . . but I think Leslie may be onto something!

posted by Deb on february 24, 2005

That Landscapes is some good stuff! I'm procrastinating just reading about it all :)

posted by Vicki on february 24, 2005

I know it is "just" Lion Brand, but I LOVE that landscapes. I started that backpack for my son, but I am actually going to attempt the monkey face. Another thing I have stuffed away somewhere while I think of more projects to take on....ugh!

posted by patti on february 24, 2005

Oh yeah, the finishing on that one is a bear. Cute idea to use a variegated yarn on it.

posted by Jessica on february 24, 2005

I always pet the Landscapes when i see it...just haven't found the right project for it!

Oh - you can put me down as Red in the February Fix-It - 2 fixed, in fact! :-)

posted by Eklectika on february 24, 2005

I think finishing is the reason we all have at least one UFO tucked away under the bed. Let's face it, finishing skills are more akin to sewing then knitting and completely by-pass the whole relaxation thing. That said, it does feel great to finish a project!

posted by nona on february 24, 2005

That yarn is so much fun! It looks so summery. I'm seeing people start to make spring/summer items and part of me wants to drop all my winter knitting.

posted by Nadia on february 24, 2005


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