comments: have you any wool?

ha ha ha... like the legos. My small (2.5 years) cousin was watching me knit the other day (a sweater, but not for her) and when i turned around, she was putting it on saying " for Ammie, for Ammie"...She loves to watch me knit and always says "whatthat?" so fast and so often that i have a hard time keeping up! Your boys must keep you in stitches most of the day. :)

posted by Kate on july 13, 2005

That is so cute, of course every Sophie bag should have the legos in - its what they were designed for!

posted by kerrie on july 13, 2005

Aren't little boys adorable! You seem to get quite a bit of knitting done while having twin boys so that gives me hope for my knitting future. My progress is always sluggish at best and my 19month old boy's idea of fun is grabbing needled out of the project in my hands and wrapping yarn around his toes.

posted by brooke on july 13, 2005


posted by stephanie on july 13, 2005

Your boys are adorable! I think I get closer to feeling ready to think about having babies every time you blog about your little guys. So cute!

posted by Heather on july 13, 2005

Whenever I'm knitting my three boys just look at me and say "yep, right where I left her" just like in Pirates of the Carribean. It's my daughter, who's 3, that comes up and asks, "for me?" I love the legos, now you just need a speedy little matchbox car in there to keep them company. LOL

posted by Katherine on july 13, 2005

cuuuuute. its so sweet that he went and got legos for the bag.

posted by Diana on july 13, 2005

You never know when a few legos will come in handy. (Cute!)

posted by Andrea on july 13, 2005

Your boys are adorable...can't wait to see the purse in all its finished little boys just says things like 'can't you buy socks / poncho / purse'...he doesn't get it. Take care.

posted by michele on july 13, 2005

I have gradually learned that anything large enough to hold Legos is indeed the perfect container, at least according to my boys. Wait til you get to the really small ones - they're extra fun when found in shoes ;-)

posted by Kathy on july 13, 2005

I wish things like that worked for me.

Them: "The total is 100 Ma'am"
Me: "What, $15?"
Them: "No, $100"
Me: "Huh, $15"
Them: "$100 Ma'am!"
Me: "Of of course, $15."
Them: "Yes, $15."


posted by Vicki on july 13, 2005

The leggos are fantastic! Your boys are way cute.

posted by Jody on july 13, 2005

gotta love kids! my (will be 3 next week) 2yr old son's new favorite thing is to walk by and flick my drive band off my wheel while i'm spinning. precious little devil :)

posted by rebecca on july 13, 2005

I was just reading BoogaJ's blog, the author of the Sohie Bag pattern, and she is having some problems with a magazine publishing her Booga Bag pattern without her agreement. She is asking bloggers to write letters to the editor on her behalf.

posted by Brooke on july 13, 2005

S & B are just too adorable. I have tons of Legos in my closet (I'm a bit of a Lego-nut). Maybe I'll make a felted beg for my Legos.

posted by Sauniell on july 13, 2005

Oh! How precious! I want little boys someday... I would love twins too :)

posted by Dani on july 13, 2005

Aw, that's sweet! And reminds me--back when I was about 13, Mom and I bought a duffel bag to use as my bookbag for the coming year at school. She was in a silly mood that day and said, "Finally, you'll have some place to keep all those duffels." By the time we got home, the car was full of [invisible] Duffels, who look just like the bags, but with faces at one end, whose only word is "duffel," have feet but not legs, and who appear by the dozens every time you unzip a duffel bag. I shared this with my best friend when we got home and then, suddenly, there were Duffel Elevators by which they travelled (and can open anywhere), and duffels which can jump so well (you'll remember they don't have legs) that they could practically fly, and . . . well, anyway. It was a silly idea that got out of hand, but still, 20+ years later, I still use "Duffel" as a greeting when I call my friend, and occasionally pull out my recording of us singing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" as duffels--completely silly, with giggles! The point here?? Watch out for this becoming the Lego Bag . . .you never know what might happen!

posted by Deb on july 13, 2005

Too boys are the same...except they ask if everything I am knitting happens to be a sweater for them!
Love the bag...I have been eyeing it too. I have never felted, it's on my to do list.

posted by Carolyn on july 13, 2005

Can't wait to see your finished Sophie! And the boys' comments cracked me up. My daughter appropriates all the felted bags I make for herself, so I am used to seeing Legos in Sophie bags :) (And crayons, and Dora the Explorer action figures, and all those little toys that come with Happy Meals. . . )

posted by Julie on july 13, 2005

awww! Bags for putting things in are the best kind! When I was knitting my first Sophie bag, I remember observing that it looked like a very strange hat. I think some pictures with the bag on S's head may be in your future!

posted by Teresa on july 13, 2005

Your kids are the cutest.

posted by Nadia on july 13, 2005

Aww! Loved the Legos comment ... and the indulgent mommy photo! ;o)

posted by Carolyn B. on july 13, 2005

I think i'm just going to copy you on all your projects! next up on my list: sophie bag for ME! :)

thanks for the inspirations.

posted by shireen on july 13, 2005

Your boys are too sweet for words. Mine just tell me I'm obsessed with that kind of eye rolling that denotes 10 year old tolerance.

Just to emphasize, Julie A. ( aka Boogaj (, the designer of the very cute Sophie bag, is embroiled in a copyright dispute with Belle Armoire magazine over the Booga Bag pattern. Everyone should check out the details.

posted by Gina on july 14, 2005

that is sooooo cute!!!

posted by Reese on july 14, 2005

Yeah, my backpack is also falling apart and I'd love to knit a bag too...I just can't make up my mind as to - when do fit the projec in, which bag do I want, what size do I need...and on and on and on.
don't you love it whent he say "Okay"...I just love when Gil says "Okay"...he often says "Yes, Okay"...when he is trying to get me to do something.

posted by Orli on july 18, 2005


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