comments: birthday wishes and bicycle dreams

Aww...they are too cute on their bikes! Did they get matching ones? Very cool to be "cruising" to the park in! :) Sophie bag looks great... I am almost finished with mine! ( no legos?)

posted by Kate on july 14, 2005

Happy birthday, S and B!! Four is too much fun, especially on a cool bike.

Just how quickly did you knit that Sophie bag? It looks great.

posted by Ruth on july 14, 2005

Happy birthday to the cuties! My sons are 22 months apart (altho they are now 13 and 15), and they have been wonderful playmates since day one. With the occasional "clothesline" maneuver thrown in.

You did that bag really fast! So impressive and inspiring. I hope to start mine within the month.

posted by Sandy on july 14, 2005

Happy birthday, boys!

posted by shannon on july 14, 2005

Happy birthday young 'uns!

posted by Tracy on july 14, 2005

Happy birthday!!! go felt the bag right now...I can't wait to see it!

posted by michele on july 14, 2005

I swear! you are the fastest knitter on the planet!! Happy birthday to the boys...! :)

posted by tania on july 14, 2005

Nothing cuter than boys on bikes. Happy birthday to the twins!

posted by Kathy on july 14, 2005

Happy birthday kiddos! They're so cute on their new bike. Are they sharing one?

posted by Vicki on july 14, 2005

Happy Birthday big four year old boys! Hugs all around!

posted by Johanna on july 14, 2005

Happy b-day boys! I love the picture of them eating cake!

I can't wait to see the felted bag!

posted by Dani on july 14, 2005

happy birthday boys!!
4 is so much fun - my Xman turned 4 in april :)
my oldest's birthday was yesterday - he's 8 now, sniff sniff sniff

posted by rebecca on july 14, 2005


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