happy harry potter knitting!
weasley sweater charts
The weasley sweater pattern can be found here.
These charts were made using an image of knitter's graph paper (found at Sweaterscapes). I opened the image in an image editing program, then typed the letter "H" in a font I liked over the graph paper image. I adjusted the size of the "H" to be about the right width and so that it lined up with the squares as much as possible. You may want to go over the squares with a colored pen to be sure it's clear which squares are filled in.
smallest sizes:

middle sizes:

largest sizes:

You can also make your own chart with your computer. Print out knitter's graph paper and put back it in your printer's paper bin. Using a word processor or an image editing program, type the letter you want in a font you like and print it onto the knitter's graph paper. Voila - chart! (Try several different font sizes to get your letter to be a good size for your sweater and be ready to go over the chart a bit by hand to neaten things up.)
all patterns and images © Alison Hansel and are shared here for individual personal use only
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