happy sock knitting!
a short-row tutorial (and ankle sock pattern)
To make a short-row heel and/or toe, you will work across only half of the total stitches in your sock. You can use a wrap method of doing short rows, desribed by Wendy in this excellent Knitty article, or the backwards yarnover method, described by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts (seen in this pattern). This is a pictorial tutorial for those who want to try PG-R's method, but aren't quite sure that they're doing it right.
The short rows are first worked by working on less stitch with each row. On the right side, knit across until you've worked all normal stitches (those without yarnovers from previous short rows).

Then turn work and make a backwards yarnover by bringing the yarn from behind over the needle to form the first purl stitch.

Purl across until you've worked all normal stitches (without yarnovers from previous short rows).

Then turn work and make a backwards yarnover by bringing the yarn from the front to the back over the needle to form the first knit stitch.

See, now you've made a new stitch/yarnover pair!

Your heel gets shorter (more pointy) with each row. Once you've completed all the rows to shorten the heel, you need to start working one MORE stitch in each row to widen the heel out again. To do this, you work to the first stitch/yarnover pair.

Work the stitch normally.

The yarnover is twisted, so you need to untwist it, then knit it together with the next stitch.

Now turn and work backward yarnover and purl across the row to the first stitch/yarnover pair.

Purl the stitch normally. Slip yarnover and next stitch knitwise onto right needle.

Place the two slipped stitches back onto left needle, keeping them twisted. Now, purl them together through the back loop.

Turn, work backward yarnover as always, and knit across to first stitch/yarnover pair. Knit stitch normally, untwist the following TWO yarnovers, and knit the two yarnovers together with the next stitch.

Turn, work backwards yarnover, and purl to first stitch/yarnover pair. Purl the stitch normally, then purl the following TWO yarnovers together with the following stitch. Remember to slip all three knitwise to right needle, place back on left needle twisted, and purl them together through the back loop.

And look, it's making a heel!

all patterns and images © Alison Hansel and are shared here for individual personal use only